- Volume 9, Issue 1
Sleep in jordanian Intensive Care Unit patients
Bha`a Khanfar
Bha`a Khanfar MSN, RN
Mafraq Hospital,
Abu Dhabi
Email: bhaa_khanfar104@yahoo.com
Sleep is essential for well-being and recovery from illness.
The critically ill are in significant need of sleep but at
increased risk of sleep loss and disruption (Elliot et al.,2011).
Sleep is considered to be physically and psychologically restorative
and essential for healing and
recovery from illness (Elliot et al.,2011).
Sleep disturbance is one of the common factors associated
with hospitalized patients (Friese et al., 2007; Hardin, 2009).
In particular, sleep disturbance often occurs in patients
in a critical care unit [(Feeley and Gardner, 2006), reviewed
in (Tembo and Parker, 2009)].
Many previous studies tried to determine
the possible factors that cause sleep disturbances in ICU`s
patients, and study the category factors as intrinsic and
extrinsic; other classifications are patient-related factors
(e.g., disease severity) and environmental factors (e.g.,
light, noise, and medications) (Drouot et al., 2008).
In general, possible causes lead to discomfort as stated by
Elliot et al., including sleep disturbances, are noisy environment,
illness symptoms, treatment- itself or devices used in care
such as artificial airway and intravascular catheters and
Studies used different tools to assess sleep process quality
(fragmentation, sleep stage changes, wake after sleep onset,
EEG sleep patterns), quantity (total sleep time and time spent
in each sleep stage) and distribution over the 24-hour cycle
in ICU patients. The most used methods were polysomnography
(PSG), nursing observations, and Subjective measures of sleep
including questionnaires incorporating visual analogue and
Likert scales, for example the Richards Campbell Sleep Questionnaire
(RCSQ), the Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit Questionnaire
(SICQ) and the Verran/Snyder Halpern (VSH) Sleep Scale (Snyder-Halpern
and Verran, 1987). Full PSG remains the gold standard for
sleep scoring but practical considerations have generated
interest in alternative methods (Drouot et al.,2008).
Problem statement
Given the current evidence of sleep disruption in ICU patients
and epidemiological evidence of the long-term adverse health
consequences of poor sleep, there is a need to perform well
designed interventional studies. Few studies have attempted
to improve sleep for ICU patients (Elliot et al.,2012). An
urgent need for modifying ICU's organizational and behavioral
environment to make ICU more comfortable and suitable for
clients' sleep suggested comparative studies to evaluate these
complex interventions are needed. Despite the significance
of the problem, few previous studies used experimental study
design or included an intervention to overcome sleep disturbances
among ICU patients; beside that no previous study in Jordan
was found related to this topic. This study is a randomized
control trial designed to evaluate the effects of modifying
some possible causes of sleep deprivation among ICU patients,
of their sleep.
Sleep in adults comprises one consolidated
period of 6-8 hours of total sleep time (TST) in each 24 hour
period occurring at night. The Sleep Efficiency Index (SEI),
an alternative method of representing the quantity of sleep,
is the fraction of time spent asleep during the duration of
sleep monitoring (or the TST divided by the total time in
bed after all lights are turned off to time of awakening).
The expected SEI for a healthy adult is approximately 80-85%
(Ohayon et al., 2004). Sleep duration declines with advancing
age (that is from an expected TST of 7.5 h and SEI of 80%
at 25 years to 5-6 h and 77% at 85 years) (Ohayon et al.,
Study purpose
The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of modifying
ICU`s light, noise, and daily nursing care time on improving
patient`s Sleep Total Time (STT), and Sleep Efficacy (SE)
in Jordanian university hospitals in comparison with usual
ICU environments and nursing care.
Study Hypothesis
Modifying ICU`s light, noise and daily nursing care time will
improve ICU`s patients' sleep as measured by Sleep Efficiency
(SE) and Total Sleep Time (TST).
As previously mentioned, sleep has significant effects on
health, promoting healing, and preventing deterioration specially
for critically ill patients; also sleep disturbances increase
morbidity and mortality (Elissen & Hopstock, 2011). Many
studies have determined the impact of sleep disturbances on
patient`s health, for example one literature review suggested
that the adverse health effects of poor sleep are understood
and have short and long-term sequences including poor cognition,
susceptibility to infection and even cancer and cardiovascular
disease (Ferrie et al., 2007; Gallicchio & Kalesan, 2009).
It is also clear that acute brain dysfunction, specifically
delirium, has been implicated in sleep disruption in ICU patients,
however, until the exact mechanism is identified it is impossible
to differentiate whether sleep disruption leads to brain dysfunction
or vice versa (Cochen et al., 2005; Roche Campo et al., 2010).
Another study confirmed the previous data and assure that
Sleep deprivation may cause impaired immune function, ventilatory
compromise, psychosis and delirium (de Almeida, 2009).
As sleep importance for patients in general and for ICU patients
specifically was proved, an intervention is needed to prevent
significant consequences on health and healing process and
to prevent prolonged hospitalization period. While the possible
factors affect patient`s sleep in ICU are clear now, few interventional
studies have been done. One study in France by Drouot et al
in 2008 that tried to modify factors involved in sleep disruption
such as noise, continuous nursing care, and continuous light
exposure showed very promising results that improved patients'
sleep significantly.
There are two main sleep states, rapid eye movement sleep
(REM), which comprises approximately 25% of TST, and non-rapid
eye movement sleep (non-REM) (75% of TST) (Ohayon et al.,
2004). REM sleep declines slightly with aging from 25% in
early adulthood to 16-18% at 85 years. The proportion of non-REM
sleep does not decline with age but the proportion of light
sleep, particularly stage 2 sleep, increases and slow wave
sleep decreases (Ohayon et al., 2004). There are four stages
of non-REM sleep: stages 1 and 2 or light sleep; stages 3
and 4 or slow wave sleep (SWS). These represent increasing
depths of sleep and are usually completed in sequence in order
to enter REM sleep (Krygeret al., 2005). The consolidated
sleep period consists of four to six sleep cycles - stages
1-4 followed by REM sleep - which lasts 60-90 minutes. Time
spent awake during the sleep period is less than 5% of TST.
Arousals (emergence into lighter stages of sleep on the electroencephalograph
(EEG)) are also a feature of sleep; an adult population norm
(measured in the sleep investigation laboratory) is 10-22
arousals per hour (Bonnet and Arand, 2007).
Factors that
Affect Sleep in ICU Patients
Evidence has suggested that sleep disruption is most likely
due to a combination of intrinsic and external factors which
impact differently across patients according to each particular
circumstance (Tembo & parker, 2009). Noise from equipment
such as alarms from the monitors, ventilators and other equipment,
together with staff related noise and ringing telephones were
commonly reported causes of sleep disruption in ICU (Kass,
2008; Coyer et al., 2007). Change of sleep habits, use of
sedatives and other medications, and disease severity may
be a major factor in sleep fragmentation. Significantly greater
numbers of arousals and awakenings per hour were found in
patients with higher severity scores and in patients who died
(Parthasarathy, 2003). However, sleep may be affected also
by many other factors, such as pain, discomfort, anxiety,
mood disorders, nursing care, and mechanical ventilation.
The exact role of mechanical ventilation in sleep fragmentation
in ICU patients remains poorly understood, despite that sleep
fragmentation due to poor patient-ventilator interaction may
contribute to the occurrence of brain dysfunction seen in
mechanically ventilated patients. Recent studies suggest that
the ventilatory mode and its settings, as well as patient-ventilator
interactions, may influence the degree of fragmentation and
the quality of sleep (Bosma et al., 2007; Cabello et al.,
Sleep Disturbances
and Delirium
Delirium and poor sleep quality are common and often co-exist
in hospitalized patients. A possible link between these disorders
has been hypothesized but whether this link is a cause-and-effect
relationship or simply an association resulting from shared
mechanisms is yet to be determined (Watson & Fanfulla
2012). A possible explanation of this relationship is neurotransmitter
imbalance hypotheses, with dopamine and acetylcholine felt
to be the most important neurotransmitters involved. An imbalance
of these same neurotransmitters also occurs in association
with sleep deprivation(Gabor & Cooper, 2001). During delirium
the levels of acetylcholine are generally thought to be low
and those of dopamine high, though a few reports tend to hypothesize
the opposite imbalance (high acetylcholine and low dopamine)
(Trzepacz, 2000). The importance of dopamine on the development
of delirium, in particular, seems to be supported by the therapeutic
effect of haloperidol, a powerful dopamine blocker.
In addition to acetylcholine and dopamine, there is evidence
that other neurotransmitters such as tryptophan can play a
significant role in delirium. Tryptophan, a serotonin precursor,
was reduced in a population of cardiac surgery patients with
delirium(Van Der Mast et al,. 2006). Importantly, it appears
that an abnormal tryptophan metabolism can modulate the type
of delirium: hyperactive or hypoactive (Lewis & Barnett,
2007). Tryptophan, moreover, is tightly connected to melatonin,
a hormone involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm,
which has also been linked to delirium. Tryptophan is a direct
precursor of melatonin; melatonin is secreted by the pineal
gland and metabolized by the liver to 6-hydroxymelatonin and
then conjugated with sulphuric acid to 6-sulphatoxymelatonin
(excreted in the urine and sometimes used in clinical trials
to assess melatonin secretion).
Other possible mechanisms believed to contribute to the occurrence
of delirium are acute inflammation and ischemia. The anatomical
pathway thought to be involved in delirium includes brain
areas such as the thalamus, the prefrontal, posterior parietal
and fusiform cortex and the basal ganglia(Van Der Mast et
al,. 2006). Hence, in theory, ischemia in one of these areas
can lead to delirium. Systemic inflammation has also been
implicated in the pathogenesis of delirium. It has been observed
that delirious patients after hip replacement surgery had
higher serum levels of C-reactive protein (Beloosesky et al.,
2004). Other inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6
and IL-8 are associated with, and can possibly induce, delirium
either directly or through a neurotransmitter imbalance (Van
Gool et al., 2010).
Study Design
This is a Randomized Controlled Trial study, with one experimental
group who will receive a delayed daily nursing care and interventions
until 6:00am, with no interruption of sleep by any non urgent
procedures such as (daily ECG, blood sampling, daily X-rays,
linens change...etc), and minimizing exposure to lights and
noises by turning unneeded lights off, using eye covers and
preventing nursing discussions beside patient`s beds; the
control group will receive daily usual care with no manipulations
in their environment.
The modification of ICU`s environment for the experimental
group consists of light reduction by dimming the light in
patient`s rooms, and/or above their bed, and offering the
patient an eye mask, decreasing noise by liberalizing the
unneeded device`s alarms (e.g. ventilators, monitors, and
pumps alarms) to the lowest possible level, minimizing conversation
near the patient's bedside, delaying daily nursing care to
6:00am, keeping the time from 10:00pm until 6:00am free of
sleep interruption as much as possible, taking into consideration
that it will not affect the needed patient`s care negatively,
delay needed care, or threaten the patient`s life.
Sample and sampling
The sample will be selected by convenience sampling from all
intensive care units except pediatric and neonatal units;
to control intrinsic factors the selected sample will be divided
into two groups by computer program (random assignment), one
experimental and another control group.
Including Criteria: All adult patients (above18years),
Male and female, who are conscious, oriented, and agree to
participate in the study will be included.
Excluding Criteria: All patients less than 18 old,
with confirmed brain death by neurology consultant, or fully
sedated (who is receiving fentanyl more than 150mcg/h, medazolam
more than 3mg/h, or 25mcg/h of propofol and/or narcotic drips
of more than10 mg/h for morphine) will be excluded.
Power Analysis
A pilot study will be done to determine the needed sample
size, although a previous similar study review indicated that
sample size of 50-100 in each group will be suitable.
ICU (Medical/Surgical), CCU, GIMU, IMCU of all university
hospitals in Jordan.
Data collection procedure : by using polysomnogram,
which is the most reliable tool for assessing sleep in critically
ill patients (Parthasarathy and Tobin, 2004; Pandharipande
and Ely, 2006; Drouot et al., 2008), all selected patients,
both groups (experimental and control), will be connected
to the device all the night (from 10pm to 6am) on their beds;
sleep labs technicians will analyze sleep`s waves to determine
Total Sleep Time (TST), and Sleep Efficacy for each client.
Ethical Consideration
After the study obtains the IRB committee approval, each patient
will sign a consent form before participating in the study;
if patient cannot sign, he/she will provide agreement verbally;
if patient is unconscious or on mechanical ventilator, the
next of kin will sign instead. The goal and possible benefits
of the study were discussed with patients;, all questions
about the study asked by patients were answered; all participants
were informed that they have the choice to withdraw from the
study whenever they want without any consequences or change
in care level provided for them.
Data analysis plan
Independent researchers not involved in data collection will
analyze data. After data is entered into the Statistical Package
for Social Science (SPSS 17.0), descriptive statistics such
as percentages and frequency counts will be used to summarise
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