2013 - Volume 7, Issue 6
of Cancer Related Pain: A Brief Report
Bilal. S. H. Badr Naga
Nijmeh M. H. Al-Atiyyat
The Hashemite University,
Department of Adult Health Nursing
Bilal. S. H. Badr Naga,
The Hashemite University
Department of Adult Health Nursing
Email: Bilal_badrnaga@yahoo.com
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Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or
described in terms of such damage. Cancer related pain
is still permanent, and is feared as problematic worldwide.
Cancer pain management is the most problematic when
found in patients who have a malignant tumor, and represents
the most feared consequences for patients and their
families. Cancer related pain management stays a challenge
in cancer patients, their families, and oncology nurses
due to lack of knowledge and assessment of pain which
causes inadequate pain management. There is agreement
among experts about the classification of pain into
nociceptive, neuropathic, psychogenic, mixed, or idiopathic.
This classification is found useful in assessment and
therapeutic decision making. Nonetheless, it is now
widely accepted that persistent pain may be sustained
by different types of mechanisms and experts agree that
clinical characteristics can be used to broadly divide
pain syndromes into nociceptive, neuropathic, psychogenic,
mixed, or idiopathic. Those involved with overlapping
cancer related pain should be aware of the barrier of
the realization that faces health care providers; thus,
they need more studies to further understand the unique
molecular mechanisms by which cancer produces sensitization
and pain so that new pharmacological targets can be
identified that will reduce or block tumor-evoked sensitization.
Key words: pain, cancer, nociceptive pain, neuropathic
pain, psychogenic pain, idiopathic pain.
What is Pain? What is the relationship between pain and
The International Association for the Study of Pain's proudly
used definition states: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory
and emotional experience associated with actual or potential
tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."
Cancer related pain is still permanent, and is feared as problematic
worldwide. Cancer pain management is the most problematic
when found in patients who have a malignant tumor, and represents
the most feared consequences for patients and their families
(Alexopulos, et al. 2010). Cancer related pain management
remains a challenge in cancer patients, their families, and
oncology nurses due to lack of knowledge and assessment of
pain which causes inadequate pain management (Winslow, Seymour,
& Clark, 2005). However, we found inadequate pain management
in different settings, especially in vulnerable populations.
(Sydney, Dy, Asch, Arash, Homayoon, Walling, et al. 2008).
The most common problem facing cancer patients is bone metastases
from lung, prostate, and breast cancer; practically most of
the breast cancer patients, and spinal cord compression patients
needs emergency intervention and management (Stenseth, Bjornnes,
Kaasa, et al, 2007). The prevalence of pain among cancer patients
is high worldwide: 64% in patients with metastatic or terminal
disease, 59% in patients on anticancer treatment and 33% in
patients who had been cured of cancer (Everdingen, Rijke,
Kessels, Schouten, Kleef, &Patijn, 2007).
According to the American pain society if the plan of pain
management includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological
interventions, it is considered effective. This is because
oncology nurses perform holistic care and have sustained interaction
with patients and their families throughout the continuum
of cancer care (American Pain Society, 2005). Thus, it is
important for health care providers to understand the updated
knowledge on pathophysiology of cancer pain.
Pathophysiology of Pain
Pain is sustained by different types of mechanisms. There
is agreement among experts about the classification of pain
into nociceptive, neuropathic, psychogenic, mixed, or idiopathic.
This classification is found useful in assessment and therapeutic
decision making. Nonetheless, it is now widely accepted that
persistent pain may be sustained by different types of mechanisms
and experts agree that clinical characteristics can be used
to broadly divide pain syndromes into nociceptive, neuropathic,
psychogenic, mixed, or idiopathic. Although this classification
is clearly an oversimplification, it has been found useful
in assessment and therapeutic decision making.
Mechanisms of Nociceptive Pain
According to Willis (2007) nociceptive pain occurs as a result
of the normal activation of the sensory system by noxious
stimuli, a process that involves transduction, transmission,
modulation and perception.Tissue injury activates afferent
neurons (nociceptors), which have A-delta and C-fibers that
respond to noxious stimuli and are found in skin, muscle,
joints, and some visceral tissues. These fibers have specific
receptors responsible for mechanical, chemical or thermal
stimuli. Transduction is the process by which exposure to
a sufficient stimulus produces depolarization of the peripheral
nerve. Depolarization of the primary afferent involves a complex
neurochemistry, in which substances produced by tissues, inflammatory
cells and the neuron itself influence transduction. Once depolarization
occurs, transmission of information proceeds proximally along
the axon to the spinal cord and then on to higher centers
(Schaible, 2007; Stein, et al, 2009). The transmission of
these neural signals are from the site of transduction (periphery)
to the spinal cord and brain (Apkarian, Bushnell, Treede,
&Zubieta, 2005)
The neurochemistry of these processes involves many compounds,
including endorphins, neurokinins, prostaglandins, biogenic
amines, GABA, neurotensin, cannabinoids, purines, and many
others. The endorphinergic pain modulatory pathways are characterized
by multiple endogenous legends and different types of opioid
receptors: mu, delta, and kappa. Endorphins are present in
the periphery, on nerve endings, immune related cells and
other tissues, and are widely distributed in the central nervous
system (CNS). They are involved in many neuroregulatory processes
apart from pain control, including the stress response and
motor control systems.
Opioid drugs mimic the action of endogenous opioid ligands.
Most of the drugs used for pain are full mu receptor agonists.
Other pain modulating systems, such as those that use monoamines
(serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine), histamine, acetylcholine,
cannabinoids, growth factors and other compounds, are targets
for nontraditional analgesics, such as specific antidepressants
and anticonvulsants (Apkarian, Bushnell, Treede , & Zubieta,
Nociceptive pain can be acute (short-lived) or chronic (long-lived),
and may primarily involve injury to somatic or visceral tissues.
Pain that is inferred to be related to ongoing activation
of nociceptors that innervate somatic structures, such as
bone, joint, muscle and connective tissues, is termed "somatic
pain". This pain is described as aching, squeezing, stabbing,
or throbbing. Arthritis and metastatic bone pain are examples
of somatic pain.
Pain arising from stimulation of afferent receptors in the
viscera is referred to as visceral pain. Visceral pain caused
by obstruction of hollow viscous is poorly localized and is
often described as cramping and gnawing, with a daily pattern
of varying intensity. When organ capsules or other structures
such as myocardium, are involved, however, the pain usually
is well localized and described as sharp, stabbing or throbbing,
descriptors similar to those associated with somatic
pain (Apkarian, Bushnell, Treede, & Zubieta, 2005).
The neurogenic inflammation involves the release from nerve
endings of compounds such as substance P, serotonin, histamine,
acetylcholine, and bradykinin. These substances activate and
sensitize other nociceptors. Prostaglandins produced by injured
tissues also may enhance the nociceptive response to inflammation
by lowering the threshold to noxious stimulation.(Apkarian,
Bushnell, Treede, & Zubieta, 2005).
Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is due to direct injury or dysfunction of
the peripheral or central nervous system. These changes may
be caused by injury to either neural or non-neural tissues
(Jarvis & Boyce-Rustay, 2009). The neuropathic pain is
described as an uncomfortable sensation such as burning, shock-like
or tingling (Truini &Cruccu, 2006). Injury to a peripheral
nerve axon can result in abnormal nerve morphology. The damaged
axon may grow multiple nerve sprouts, some of which form neuromas.
The severe sprouts, including those forming neuromas, can
generate spontaneous activity, which peaks in intensity several
weeks after injury. These areas of increased sensitivity are
associated with a change in sodium receptor concentration,
and other molecular processes, and also can occur at sites
of demyelization or nerve fiber injury not associated with
the severing of axons (Jarvis & Boyce-Rustay, 2009). Some
alterations in morphology and function result in peripheral
sensitization, which may be related to a lower threshold for
signaling or an expansion in receptive fields. In contrast
to the still poor understanding of the mechanisms of peripherally
generated neuropathic pain, there is almost no information
about the processes that induce or sustain centrally generated
pain syndromes. Functional neuroimaging has demonstrated the
extraordinary neuroplasticity of the brain in the setting
of a neuropathic pain, such as phantom pain, but the mechanisms
responsible are unknown (Bingel & Tracey, 2008).
Mechanisms of Psychological and
Idiopathic Pain
The experience of persistent pain appears to induce disturbances
in mood (reactive depression or anxiety), impaired coping,
which in turn, appears to worsen pain. This phenomenon is
known generically as "psychogenic" pain and is subject
to the specific diagnoses coded under the Soma to form Disorders
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric
Association (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is
very important that patients who have acute or persistent
pain without a known physical source not be inappropriately
labeled. This may lead to inadequate assessment in the future
and therapeutic decisions that are inappropriately skewed;
unfortunately, it also leads to stigmatization of the patient
and the potential for greater suffering. When reasonable inferences
about the sustaining pathophysiology of a pain syndrome cannot
be made, and there is no positive evidence that the etiology
is psychiatric, it is best to label the pain as idiopathic.
Summary and Conclusion
From the point of view, of overlapping cancer related pain
we should be aware of the barriers that face health care providers;
thus, there is a need for more studies to further understand
the unique molecular mechanisms by which cancer produces sensitization
and pain so that new pharmacological targets can be identified
that will reduce or block tumor-evoked sensitization.
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American Pain Society, (2005). Guideline for the management
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American Psychiatric Association (2000). Pain Disorder: Diagnostic
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