2013 - Volume 7, Issue 6
of Barriers to Breast-Self Examination and awareness. A Review
Enas Tarawneh
Nijmeh Al- Attiyat
The Hashemite University
Enas Tarawneh. A
The Hashemite University
Email: enas_tarawneh@yahoo.com
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Background: Early detection of breast cancer
is of great importance to improve womens health
and to decrease the cost related to cancer death. Therefore,
recognition of variables related to breast cancer screening
is necessary.
Objectives of this study were to explore the barriers
to breast self-examination (BSE) performance, and to
characterize the demographic and cognitive factors associated
with their breast cancer screening behavior.
Data were 12 articles talking about the barriers to
BSE, using an adapted version of Champions revised
Health Belief Model Scale.
The results revealed that most women in different
countries have multiple factors preventing her to perform
breast cancer examination and other screening methods,
such as cultural, socio-demographic, socio-economic,
behavioral and educational factors.
Conclusion: Eliminating barriers and increasing
perceived self-efficacy with an emphasis to make the
women acquainted with BSE performance; as well as increasing
health motivation of women and persuading physicians
on the importance of clinical breast examination (CBE)
performance with low cost, are important to promote
Breast cancer, BSE, barriers, awareness.
Breast cancer is a common type of cancer among females in
the world, which is varied markedly between countries, with
the highest incidence of breast cancer in the United States
of America and North America and with the lowest incidence
in Asia, but in Asian countries which have moved towards a
western type of life style and behaviours it has been increased.
Breast cancer causes 376.000 deaths
a year worldwide, with about 900.000 women diagnosed every
year with the disease, dietary and genetic factors or both
may be implicated. Early diagnosis shows good result in the
treatment and can prevent metastasis and achieve better outcome
of management.
Breast self examination (BSE) is
the main trained method to screen breast cancer and for early
detection of the disease. Physical examination of the breast
is done by a doctor or any qualified person. It is an important
method to assess presence of breast tumors at early stage.
Breast self examination is the cheapest and easiest method
for the wider population to screen for breast cancer.(BSE
is the best method for females at age 20 years old and above
to detect breast cancer in early stages.
The most effective way of health
promotion and decreasing mortality and morbidity in patients
with breast cancer is early diagnosis of breast cancer. The
disease can be diagnosed earlier with mammography, breast
self examination (BSE) and clinical breast examination (CBE).
To explore the knowledge related to exploration of barriers
to breast self examination and awareness, an integrative literature
review was conducted using the electronic databases of Hashemite
University Science Direct and Pubmed for articles published
between (2000-2012).
The key words used were Breast-Self
examination, barriers, awareness, to find a lot of research
in online databases; 12 research items from H.U and 11 from
Pubmed databases. The criteria which was used in integrative
literature review is:
1- It included a patient population of females with
breast cancer and early detection.
2- It explored the barriers to (BSE) and awareness.
3- It is written in the English language.
According to above criteria 12 articles
which were selected for this review were published from 2000
to 2012. The 12 studies composing this integrative research
review were quantitative studies. Eight studies were descriptive,
and four studies were cross sectional.
Sample Characteristics
The sample sizes in the 12 studies in this review ranged
from 46 to 714 women aged between 20 and 70 years.
Inferior health care, barriers to health care access,
health beliefs, personal behaviors, and later stage of disease
at diagnosis are some of the reasons attributed to this disparity
(Porterfield& Registe,2012). Many studies have assessed
environmental, cognitive, and emotional facilitators and barriers
to screening. Health beliefs and perceptions reportedly act
as principal barriers to attending screenings. In recent years,
awareness has risen of cultural barriers to screening in specific
ethnic groups, especially in traditional societies. A prominent
barrier that has been identified in traditional societies
is cancer fatalism, defined as the belief that death is inevitable
when cancer is diagnosed. Other studies have focused on low
socioeconomic status or living in low-income countries; 20
as major barriers to screening (Awad, Azaiza, Cohen &
Daoud, 2010).
Cognitive factors play an important
role in health behaviors especially in breast cancer screening
behaviors. Health Belief Model (HBM) is one of the cognitive
models for understanding the general health behavior patterns.
Champion modified it to examine the beliefs related to BSE
and mammography. This model suggests that changes in preventive
health behaviors are originally based on four factors: (a)
susceptibility: perceived personal vulnerability to or subjective
risk of a health condition, (b) seriousness: perceived personal
harm of the condition, (c) benefits: perceived positive attributes
of an action, and (d) barriers: perceived negative aspects
of an action. Two other concepts, health motivation and self-efficacy,
were later added to the original HBM. Health motivation refers
to the beliefs and behaviors related to the state of general
concern about health. (Noroozi & Tahmasebi, 2011).
In low-income countries, the lack
of facilities, lack of information, and environmental barriers
(such as difficulties reaching the clinic and costs) cannot
be distinguished from the cultural barriers of traditional
societies. These factors have not yet been assessed among
Palestinian women residing in the West Bank where, in addition
to the difficulties described above, there also are barriers
of accessibility to healthcare facilities because of the complex
situation of political conflict. (Awad, Azaiza, Cohen &
Daoud, 2010).
In Iran, a descriptive study was
conducted, where 403 women were recruited using a convenience
sampling method from the working and public places of Bushehr
city in Iran. Permission to use this research was obtained
from the Bushehr University of Medical Science and the provincial
health director of Bushehr city. The aim of the study was
verbally explained to the potential participants. They were
then asked if they agreed to participate in the investigation.
The participants were told that they could withdraw from the
study at any time and that all information would be kept secret
and anonymous. They were also requested to choose the answer
that best described their beliefs and opinions. The inclusion
criteria were older than 18 years, not pregnant or breast-feeding,
lacking mental and/or physical disabilities, and having the
ability to read and write. From the total of 403 women, 15
participants submitted imperfect data questionnaire related
to BSE. Also among women aged 40 and older (N= 118), 6 participants
had imperfect data questionnaires related to mammography use.
These participants were not included in the related data analysis.
A self-administered questionnaire and the Champion's Health
Belief Model Scale (CHBMS) were used as the data collection
instruments. The self-administered questionnaire included
the socio-demographic variables of the participants, and Cancer
related questions. The socio-demographic variables included
age, current marital status, years of education, employment
status, contraception method used, gravidity, menopausal status
and health insurance coverage. Cancer related questions were
included: having CBE (yes, no), having a family history of
breast cancer (yes, no), having ever heard/read about breast
cancer, BSE and mammography (yes, no), and finally sources
of breast cancer information. The self-administered questionnaire
was developed by the authors based on an extensive review
of the literature. Six subscales of CHBMS were used for evaluating
the participants' breast cancer beliefs. They included perceived
susceptibility (5 items), perceived seriousness (7 items),
perceived benefits (6 items for BSE and 6 items for mammography),
perceived barriers (6 items for BSE and 5 items for mammography),
perceived self-efficacy (11 items), and health motivation
(7 items). All items in the six subscales were scored using
a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree). Higher ranking on the Likert scale indicates greater
agreement with the health beliefs that were assessed. All
of the subscales were positively related to the screening
behavior, except for the barriers, which were negatively associated.
The screening behaviors were measured by self reported response
of the participants to regular BSE performance and mammography
use. The participants older than 40 years were evaluated for
mammograph. Overall, 388 Iranian women aged 20 to 66 years
old with mean age of 34.32 were recruited in this study. The
majority of the women (69.1%) were in the age range of 18
and 39 years. Most of the participants were married (75%).
19.1% of the respondents have been educated in the primary/secondary
level of education, 41.5% were graduated from high school
and 39.4% had obtained college degree. The majority of the
women (53.4%) were not working and 281 participants (72.4%)
perceived their income level as adequate. Three hundred and
fifty women (90.2%) had health insurance. Among the 275 married
women, most of the participants (50.6%) used modern contraception
methods such as oral contraception pills, IUD and injection
methods; 11.6% had withdrawal contraception and 37.8% did
not use any contraception methods and 37.4% of the women did
not have any pregnancy. A family history of breast cancer
was reported by 12.9% of the participants. The majority of
the participants (65.5%) reported that they had heard/read
about breast cancer. Radio and TV programs and printed materials
were presented as main sources of information about breast
cancer by 37.4% and 23.6% of the participants, respectively.
Most of the participants (53.6%) had heard/read about BSE.
One hundred and forty-four women (37.1%) reported that they
had performed BSE at least once in the last 6 months, and
only 29 women (7.5%) stated that they performed BSE on a regular
monthly basis. Forty women (10.3%) stated that they had CBE
at least once in their lifetime and only 23 women (5.9%) reported
that they had annual CBE. BSE performance was significantly
related to attending school for college degree, being married,
using of modern contraception methods, having heard/read about
breast cancer and BSE, and obtaining information from radio
and TV programs. No significant associations were identified
between performing BSE and other variables. (Noroozi &
Tahmasebi, 2011).
Turkish women's experiences with
breast self examination, clinical breast examination and mammography
screening, as well as perceived barriers and facilitators
in the theoretical framework of the Health Belief Model and
the Health Promotion Model were examined. This was a qualitative
study performed on 46 elderly women aged 60-75 years. Data
were collected with focus group interviews and analyzed systematically
with qualitative analysis techniques to determine themes concerning
knowledge and facilitators of and perceived barriers to early
detection of breast cancer among elderly women. Barriers to
screening were insufficient knowledge, fear, neglect/postponement,
embarrassment/religious beliefs, inability to make an appointment,
lack of a physician's recommendation and health professionals'
attitudes. Facilitating factors were being informed about
screening, fear, awareness of cancer screening, familial history
of breast cancer and social support, making an appointment,
health professionals' communication and physicians' recommendations.
Public health nurses and health professionals from other health
disciplines should be aware of elderly women's need for knowledge
about screening, understand elderly women's fears and worries
about their health and know barriers to and facilitators of
Personal Factors. The theme personal
factors was categorized into sources of knowledge concerning
elderly women's knowledge and awareness of breast cancer screening,
symptoms and signs, etiology, risk factors, knowledge of diagnosis
and treatment, times of screening, fear (possibility of having
a tumor, diagnosis of cancer, removal of breast(s) and harmful
effects of mammography), neglect (lack of physical signs,
feeling well, discomfort due to mammography, lack of familial
history of cancer), cultural factors (embarrassment and religious
beliefs) and priorities (not having health problems and not
having free time).
Cultural Factors. The women frequently
mentioned cultural factors as barriers to breast screening.
Several women noted that the female body and the breasts are
taboo subjects in Turkish culture and according to religious
beliefs in the society therefore women feel embarrassed to
have breast screening. Several women suggested that female
doctors encourage women to have breast screening. However,
several women noted that they did not mind whether physicians
were male or female. In addition, several elderly women believed
that having breast cancer was decided by God. (Be?er&
Kissal, 2011).
In the same country a descriptive
and cross sectional study was conducted in three public education
centres of Bornova, Izmir, over a period of eight months.
The research sample was 382 Turkish women who were 40 years
and over, not previously diagnosed with breast cancer. Descriptive
information form was developed by the researchers. It was
about women's sociodemographic characteristics (age, marital
status, family type, education status, health insurance, long
lived regions, economic status, learned BSE), breast cancer
screening behaviors (regular frequency of doing BSE practice,
frequency of having mammography and doctor control).
The Champion's Health Belief Model
Scale (CHBMS).The mean age of respondents was 51.3, range
(40-72) years. Most of them were married (n= 312) and Muslim.
Nearly all of them had degrees, while 8.9% had no medical
insurance. A total of 42.7% of women were primary school graduates,
75.1% of them had information about breast cancer. They heard
information about breast cancer 48.1% in TV/ radio, 43.2%
by doctors and nurses. According to the women's responses
40.6% of them had no knowledge about breast self examination,
66% had never had a mammography and 74.3% had never had CBE.
Practicing BSE of women was irregular (40.6%. Only 27.3% of
them had done BSE once a month.
General Measures for Breast Awareness
Women performed 40.6 % of their BSE. The effective socio-demographic
characteristics of breast cancer health beliefs of women should
be considered in the design of breast health promotion and
screening programs because they are likely to have a bearing
on Turkish women's attitudes regarding the value they perceive
in cancer screening.(Cam, Gumus& Malak, 2010).
In Palestine a study was conducted
to assess screening behaviors in relation to cultural and
environmental barriers among Palestinian women in the West
Bank. The participants were 397 women, aged 30 to 65 years,
residing in the Palestinian Authority, and a stratified sample
method was used (98.3% participation rate). The participants
completed questionnaires on breast examination behaviors and
knowledge, on perceived cancer fatalism and health beliefs,
and on environmental barriers scales. Greater than 70% of
the women had never undergone mammography or clinical breast
examination (CBE), whereas 62% performed self breast examination
(SBE). Women were more likely to perform SBE if they were
more educated, resided in cities, were Christian, were less
religious, had a first degree relative with breast cancer,
perceived higher effectiveness and benefits of SBE, and perceived
lower barriers and fatalism. Participants reported a combination
of personal, cultural, and environmental barriers, which should
be addressed by educational programs and followed by the allocation
of resources for early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
(Awad, Azaiza, Cohen& Daoud, 2010).
In Malaysia a cross-sectional study
was conducted with 222 Malaysian women using a self-administered
questionnaire. The mean (SD) age was 28.5 (±9.2) years;
59.0% were university graduates. Of the total, 81.1% were
aware of breast cancer and 55% practiced BSE. Amongst 45%
of respondents who did not practice BSE, 79.8% did not know
how to do it, 60.6% feared being diagnosed with breast cancer,
59.6% were worried about detecting breast cancer, 22% reported
that they should not touch their bodies, 44% and 28% reported
BSE is embarrassing or unpleasant, 29% time consuming, 22%
thought they would never have breast cancer or it is ineffective
and finally 20% perceived BSE as unimportant. Logistic regression
modeling showed that respondents aged ?45 years, being Malay,
married and having a high education level were more likely
to practice BSE (p<0.05). In this study sample, a significant
proportion of respondents was aware of breast cancer but did
not practice BSE. Knowledge, psychological, cultural, perception
and environmental factors were identified as barriers. BSE
practice was associated significantly with socio-demographic
factors and socioeconomic status. ( Al-Dubai, Alabsi, Ijaz,
Ganasegeran& Manaf, 2006).
In the same country a study was undertaken
to determine the practices and barriers towards breast self-examination
among young Malaysian women. A cross-sectional study was conducted
among 251 female students at the Management and Science University,
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed
at gathering places such as the university cafeteria, the
university plaza, the Islamic center, and at the library.
In addition, questionnaires were distributed in the lecture
halls. The proposal of this study was approved by the Ethics
and Research Committee of Management and Science University.
A total number of 251 students participated in this study.
The majority of them were older than 20 years, of Malay racial
origin, single and from urban areas (66.5%; 63.7%; 96%; 70.9%
respectively). Regarding their lifestyle practices, the majority
of participants do exercise, are non-smokers and do not drink
alcohol (71.3%; 98.4%; 94.4% respectively). More than half
of the study participants mentioned that they have practiced
BSE (55.4%). Regarding the sources of information about BSE,
the majority mentioned that radio and TV were their main sources
of information (38.2%). Age, exercise and family history of
cancer significantly influenced the practice of BSE (p = 0.045;
p=0.002; p=0.017 respectively). Regarding the barriers to
BSE, the majority who never practiced BSE mentioned that lack
of knowledge, not having any symptoms, and being afraid of
being diagnosed with breast cancer were the main barriers
to practicing BSE (20.3%; 14.3%; 4.4% respectively).
More than half of the participants practiced BSE. Age, exercise
and family history of cancer significantly influenced the
practice of BSE. Lack of knowledge, not having any symptoms
and being afraid of being diagnosed with breast cancer were
the main barriers to practicing BSE. There is an urgent need
to develop a continuous awareness campaign among university
students on the importance of performing BSE. (Assabri, Bobryshev,
CheN, Naggar. D, Naggar.R, 2011).
The majority of studies shows that there are many barriers
that prevent women from doing breast self examination and
other breast cancer screening methods and these barriers briefly
are cultural, socio-demographic, socio-economic, behavioral
and educational factors.
Periodic follow up of the same study participants can identify
the effect of time on the retention of the adopted knowledge.
A breast self examination training program should be adopted
as an element of the services offered to the females in Jordan.
Establishment of specialized resource centers in different
governorates of Jordan in rural or urban areas to promote
breast cancer and breast self examination to all females.
All channels of the national mass media could efficiently
be utilized to cultivate or disseminate a healthy knowledge
about breast self examination by presenting specific programs
associated with breast self examination and women's health.
There is need to further address the importance of breast
self-examination among this category of student, since they
are future nurses and they play a vital role in disseminating
information to the populace, especially the female gender.
Gumus, A. B. Cam, O. Malak, A.T. (2010). Socio-demographic
Factors and the Practice of Breast Self Examination and Mammography
by Turkish Women. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,
Vol 11, 57-60.
Kissal, A. Be?er, A. (2011). Knowledge,
Facilitators and Perceived Barriers for Early Detection of
Breast Cancer among Elderly Turkish Women. Asian Pacific Journal
of Cancer Prevention, Vol 12, 975-984.
Noroozi, A. Tahmasebi. R. (2011).
Factors Influencing Breast Cancer Screening Behavior among
Iranian Women. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,
Vol 12, 1239-1244.
Azaiza, F. Cohen, M. Awad, M. Daoud,
F. (2010). Factors Associated With Low Screening for Breast
Cancer in the Palestinian Authority. Wiley Online Library
(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/cncr.25378.
Registe M, and Porterfield S. (2012).
Health Beliefs of African American
Women on Breast Self-Exam. 446 The Journal for Nurse Practitioners
- JNP Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2012.
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