- Volume 17, Issue 3
and Facilitators of Palliative Care for Adult Heart Failure
Patients: Integrative Review
Hersi 1, Fadi
Khraim 1, Asma Mohammad Al Bulushi 2, Daniel Forgrave 1, Sumayya
Ansar 1
(1) University of Calgary in Qatar(2)
Hamad Medical Corporation
Corresponding author:
Yasmin Hersi
University of Calgary in Qatar
Received: October 2023; Accepted:
November 2023; Published: December 2023
Citation: Yasmin Hersi et al. Barriers and Facilitators of
Palliative Care for Adult Heart Failure Patients: Integrative
Review. Middle East Journal of Nursing 2023; 17(2): 29-44
DOI: 10.5742/MEJN2023.9378038

Heart failure (HF) patients usually experience symptoms
such as dyspnea, tiredness, cognitive impairment, and pain.
Those symptoms contribute to a decline in physical functioning
and a limitation in their ability to do their daily tasks.
Palliative care (PC) is crucial for people with HF because
it focuses on improving the quality of life and can reduce
symptoms and improve function. Qatar aims to introduce PC
services for adult patients with HF.
Objective: This integrative
review aims to investigate the barriers, facilitators, and
the outcomes to the provision of palliative care among adult
patients with HF.
Methods: Whittemore and KnafIs
framework guided this integrative review. Using three databases,
twenty (n=20) peer-reviewed articles, published between 2011
and 2022, were included in the integrative review. The Mixed
Methods Appraisal Tool was used to assess the quality of these
articles. The data was then extracted and thematically analyzed
before being synthesized.
Results: The barriers, facilitators,
and outcomes of providing PC services to individuals with
HF were identified from the perspectives of patients, healthcare
providers, and healthcare organizations.
Conclusion: Gaining a comprehensive
understanding of these barriers, facilitators, and outcomes
associated with providing PC services to adults with HF is
central for the effective implementation of such services
for this patient population in Qatar.
Keywords: heart failure, palliative
care, barriers, facilitators