- Volume 18, Issue 2
inflammatory processes may prevent malignancies
Mehmet Rami
Helvaci1, Saziye Cayir2, Hulya Halici2, Alper Sevinc1, Celaletdin
Camci1, Abdulrazak Abyad3, Lesley Pocock4
(1) Specialist of Internal Medicine, MD,
(2) Manager of Writing and Statistics, Turkey
(3) Middle-East Academy for Medicine of Aging, MD, Lebanon
(4) medi-WORLD International, Australia
Corresponding author:
Prof Dr Mehmet Rami Helvaci, MD
07400, ALANYA, Turkey
Phone: 00-90-506-4708759
Email: mramihelvaci@hotmail.com
Received: May 2024; Accepted: June 2024; Published: July 2024
Citation: Helvaci MR et al. Chronic inflammatory processes
may prevent malignancies. Middle East Journal of Nursing 2024;
18(2): 11-28. DOI: 10.5742/MEJN2024.9378052

The hardened red blood cells-induced capillary endothelial
damage is initiated at birth, and terminate with accelerated
atherosclerosis, multiorgan failures, and sudden death even
at childhood in sickle cell diseases (SCD).
Methods: All cases with the
SCD were included.
Results: We studied 222 males
and 212 females with similar mean ages (30.8 vs 30.3 years,
p>0.05, respectively). Disseminated teeth losses (5.4%
vs 1.4%, p<0.001), ileus (7.2% vs 1.4%, p<0.001), cirrhosis
(8.1% vs 1.8%, p<0.001), leg ulcers (19.8% vs 7.0%, p<0.001),
digital clubbing (14.8% vs 6.6%, p<0.001), coronary heart
disease (18.0% vs 13.2%, p<0.05), chronic renal disease
(9.9% vs 6.1%, p<0.05), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(25.2% vs 7.0%, p<0.001), and stroke-like atherosclerotic
endpoints (12.1% vs 7.5%, p<0.05) were all higher but not
acute chest syndrome (2.7% vs 3.7%, p>0.05) or pulmonary
hypertension (12.6% vs 11.7%, p>0.05) or deep venous thrombosis
and/or varices and/or telangiectasias (9.0% vs 6.6%, p>0.05)
in males. Although the higher prevalences of acute and chronic
inflammatory processes and atherosclerotic consequences even
in relatively younger mean ages in both genders, there was
no case of malignancy neither in males nor in females in SCD.
Conclusion: Infections, medical
or surgical emergencies, or emotional stress-induced increased
basal metabolic rate aggravates the sickling and capillary
endothelial inflammation and edema, and terminates with disseminated
tissue hypoxia, accelerated atherosclerosis, multiorgan failures,
and sudden deaths even at relatively younger mean ages but
not malignancies in the SCD. In another definition, chronic
and systemic inflammatory processes may increase the clearance
of malignant cells from the circulation.
Key words: Sickle cell diseases,
chronic inflammations, hardened red blood cells, capillary
endothelial inflammation, tissue hypoxia, atherosclerosis,